Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring is Here

So the winter has kept me inside the gym....ick.  It is beautiful out and I am excited about getting back outside and running in nature  =)  This weekend will be the big kick off of running outside - I hope you join me.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day off

This morning is starting off with a hot cup of Highlander Grogg from Kaldi's.  I ran 5 days this week and did the elliptical at the gym one day so today is my off day!  I feel yesterday's run in my legs this morning - it's a good feeling  =)  I enjoy days off from exercise.  When I push myself all week it is a much needed reward - it's a good time to relax physically and to reflect mentally on what I accomplished that week.  Have a great day off  =)


Saturday, October 9, 2010

I am an asthmatic but I am also a runner. Five years ago I never would have said that about myself.  I have asthma and it ruled my life for a long time.  With the help of my doctors and amazing husband, I developed a plan to start running so I could improve my lung function.  I was preparing to kick my asthma out of the drivers seat.  

At first I thought I was pretty ridiculous for trying to run.  I would run for maybe a minute and my lungs would start getting tight.  I was very discouraged at first but I kept pushing on.  I wanted to be healthier.  I was told that running strengthens your lungs.  That was something I wanted - stronger lungs = stronger body = healthier me.  I started running in Forest Park every day.  I would run for 1 minute and walk for 5 to recover, repeat 10 times. Slowly, very slowly, I built up my endurance.  Over the last 5 years I have continued to build up my endurance.  Running, along with the right medications, has significantly decreased my asthma symptoms - I don't feel like an asthmatic anymore. 

This blog is the official start of the Get Your Stride On Campaign - Raising Asthma Awareness and Prevention One Stride at a Time.  I am starting this blog to monitor my ongoing progress and to raise awareness about asthma.  I find it difficult to stay motivated sometimes because running does take a little more work me.  I am always monitoring my breathing while trying to enjoy a run.  Lately I have started to enjoy running and I think sharing my experiences and hearing from others will help keep me motivated.  I hope this can be a place for support and encouragement for all asthmatics that start a running/cardiovascular exercise program.  Although exercise does not replace asthma medications - exercise can help build up lung strength and endurance.  I hope that my stories can inspire others to talk to their physician to see if starting an exercise program would benefit them.  Don't start an exercise regimen without consulting your physician - they plan an integral part in developing your personal exercise program.

Join me on this endeavor- run with me and I will keep you posted on my progress.  I hope to have some group runs to support one another as we continue on this road - one stride at a time.

Today I set a new running record - a 5k in 25 min and 57 seconds.  That is a great start...